Part 1 of Sleep: An Essential Tool for People with ADHD


Have you ever found it hard to wake up and get yourself going in the morning? Does it sometimes take several hours before you feel properly awake? Could the crux of the matter be you’re simply not getting enough sleep?

What Exactly Is “Enough Sleep”?

Well, opinions have differed on this point. Now, the science is clear with the explosion of recent research into sleep and the brain. The evidence indicates that 8 hours per night is needed for most people to function well. Professor Matthew Walker, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Berkeley, and author of the bestseller “Why We Sleep,” reveals in his book just how vital sleep is to our well-being.

Sleep Deprivation

Professor Walker describes lack of sleep as a modern-day epidemic that can affect the functioning of almost every system in the human body. At its most extreme, people’s lives are at risk.

In his research on how people function after missing different amounts of sleep per night, it becomes clear that missing even one night of sleep leads to cognitive impairment just as severe as if the person were legally drunk. The most insidious thing about sleep deprivation is that sleep-deprived people have a blind spot about it. They think they are functioning OK, but in reality, they are far more likely to make errors and be unable to focus, having a much higher risk of causing a traffic incident.

Other experiments on people who slept 6 hours a night for 10 nights showed that they, too, became as impaired as if legally drunk. All the signs were that the deterioration would continue to build up over weeks and months if that amount of sleep continued. Too little sleep has a severe impact.

“Chronic sleep deprivation has been reported to be associated with greater mortality via a large number of negative health outcomes, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease,” according to Dr. Malcolm von Schantz of the University of Surrey. It turns out that over the last one hundred years, we have been making do with less and less sleep.

The Myth of “Getting By” on Less Sleep

How many of us believe that it is “normal and acceptable” to get by on 6 hours of sleep a night? The research shows unequivocally that nothing can replace sleep. Also, you cannot make up for lost sleep. That’s a myth. Listen to Professor Matthew Walker both busting some popular myths about sleep and explaining what works to help us sleep.

The Benefits of Good Quality Sleep

So what exactly does sleep do for us that nothing else will? Having good quality sleep can bring life-changing benefits such as:

  • Waking up feeling alert and full of vitality
  • Better Health
  • Improved learning
  • Improved memory
  • Emotional stability
  • Complex reasoning
  • Better decision-making
The Sleep and ADHD connection

Most of the above come under the category of ADHD challenges, interestingly enough. In fact, some people posit that ADHD may be, in part, a sleep disorder. While there is no way yet of proving which is a cause and which is an effect, there is nonetheless a strong correlation between ADHD and sleep problems.

If you are finding lack of sleep is making your ADHD symptoms more noticeable or having a negative impact on your day, rest assured there are many small and manageable steps you can take right away towards getting a good night’s sleep.

In part 2 of this blog series, I’ll talk about why people with ADHD find it challenging to get enough sleep and what you can do about it.

Many clients I have worked with on improving their sleep patterns find this has had a positive knock-on effect on the rest of their lives. If you’d like to explore this foundational piece of managing your ADHD through coaching, I can be reached at


Boost Self-Esteem with ADHD

woman with arms outstretched

Want to Boost Your Self-Esteem? Here’s 3 Empowering Strategies that Work for People with ADHD.


  1. Celebrate Strengths and Achievements

Focus on Strengths:

People with ADHD have many unique strengths, such as creativity, enthusiasm, and problem-solving abilities. By identifying and focusing on these and other strengths, you can build your self-esteem and boost your overall confidence.

Keeping a journal of daily or weekly achievements, no matter how small, can help shift your focus from challenges to accomplishments. Even a couple of minutes a day can make a difference.

Set Achievable Goals:

Chunking your tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces can make it easier to achieve goals. Celebrating your victories, however small, can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost confidence.


2. Develop a Support Network

Seek Support from Loved Ones:

Family and friends who are understanding and supportive can provide encouragement and positive reinforcement. Seek out the company of those whom you feel accept and get you. Sharing feelings and challenges with trusted individuals can help relieve stress and boost morale.

Join Support Groups:

Connecting with other people with ADHD provides a sense of community and understanding. Support groups offer spaces to share experiences, learn strategies, and give and receive encouragement. Meetup offers many opportunities to meet people who have something in common. If there’s no support group in your area, you could set one up.


3. Engage in Positive Self-Talk and Mindfulness Practices

Practice Positive Self-Talk:

Challenging your negative thoughts when they arise and replacing them with believable positive alternatives can improve self-perception. The first step is to become aware of your thoughts and notice them. 

Regularly reminding yourself of your worth and capabilities helps counteract feelings of inadequacy. You could try setting a reminder to say kind and supportive things to yourself several times a day. Small steps build up to a big difference.

Mindfulness and Stress-Reduction Techniques:

Mindfulness practices such as meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga will help manage stress and improve focus. These practices can enhance self-awareness and self-acceptance, contributing to higher self-esteem.

By focusing on strengths, seeking support, and engaging in mindfulness practices, you can work towards improving your self-esteem and overall well-being.